Rowing conversion?

Posted by Barry, NNY on Apr 30, 2004

New poster here. Did some kayaking in AKs Inside Passage when I lived in Petersburg, then moved back to NY. Must have gotten confused on trip back because now enjoy travelling backward -no accounting for taste.

Built a Devlin "Oarling" 2 yrs ago - heavily modified for long distance - and I've logged about 800 miles so far on Champlain, Ontario, and the canal system, but it's slow work.

Anyone out there ever modify a double to a single with a 55-60 inch long cockpit to accomodate a rowing rig? Seems that it would be a fast, stable creature with lots of flotation up front for big water - next section of trip is up St. Lawrence to Gulf.

Just to complicate things, I would also like to strip-build the deck. Wife says I can't leave well enough alone!

Thanks for any leads you all can offer.
