Cocktail Racer.. fairly eazy build ?

 Hello. I'm interested in building a cocktail racer. Are the full sized plans easy to use ? I'm a total greenhorn at boat building. Wanting something fun to putt/putt around on the Truman lake here in Missouri. I'm 63 years old. 6'2" and 288#.. Thinking about throwing a bean bag in it.. and go cruise around. Thanks

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RE: Cocktail Racer.. fairly eazy build ?

   P.s. I have a Yamaha 9.9 four stroke.. Weight is ? 87# Long shaft remote steer. If that helps. Thanks.

RE: Cocktail Racer.. fairly eazy build ?

   Buy the kit it will be much easier to build and you really won't be saving any money building from plans

RE: Cocktail Racer.. fairly eazy build ?

+1 on the kit if it's your first build.

Building from plans saves money on the shipping costs of the wood, but only if you have a local supplier. If you don't, you'll be paying someone for shipping.

Building from plans saves you money if you've built boats before and have leftover wood, glass, epoxy, etc. sitting around from your previous builds. Not so much for a "totla greenhorn".

Building from plans save you money as long as you don't make a mistake cutting the wood. If you do, you could end up having to buy a whole new piece of wood and away go your savings.

CLC's full-sized plans are not really plans. They're patterns. You have to trace the outlines onto the wood. It's very different from determining dimensions and shapes from actual dimensioned plans. Depending on your background it's either easier or more annoying than building from true plans.

The Cocktail Racer patterns aren't interleaved, so you could theoretically cut out each piece and trace it that way.

It's mainly about what experience you want with your build. Do you want the experience of cutting the wood yourself? Or do you just want to assemble a boat?

Hope this helps,



RE: Cocktail Racer.. fairly eazy build ?

   For the price. Of full sized plans? I think I could do as suggested.. just cut out and trace my cuts. I'm retired.. (I have the time) but have to watch my money. Still have half a case of PL premium glue. My son works as a boat mechanic.. can get my epoxy from him. My motor is a long shaft.. thinking? That might not work. So. Has a Mercury 9.9 two stroke he said I could use. Have four sheets of 1/4" exterior plywood. It's a start I think. Thanks.

RE: Cocktail Racer.. fairly eazy build ?

   Maybe you've considered alll options and know exactly what you're after; if so, excuse my butting in.

But now that I'm butting in.. You're a big guy, you mention putf-putting around, and the Cocktail Racer isn't large. Note the specifications list max payload at 250 lbs. I've never been on Truman Lake, but did boat in Kansas. I'm guessing you get so some decent winds sometimes, and especially get some large powerboat wakes. The Cocktail Racer isn't realy built for comfort, has little foom for lunch, a fishpole or anchor. It won't like waves. You can't row it - so need power all the way to the dock, ramp or beach.

Have you considered other options? Eastport Pram, Tenderly, Passagemaker, Jimmy Skiff II? These seem a bit more versatile to me, if your goal is simply to go "messing about in boats."

If you do plan to use your own plywood and want the easiest build, the Jimmy Skiff II would probably be first choice. Of course it won't turn heads like the Cocktail Racer.

RE: Cocktail Racer.. fairly eazy build ?

   Thank you , for all replies. I put in at the Windsor crossing ramp on the Truman lake. Mostly just fishing boats.. no big boats. Calm and protected waters.. Windy days .. I'll probably just stay home. My son and I are looking into building the cocktail racer..and a mini most XL.. The Mini Most XL is pretty big. Capacity is enough for me. I'm just , like I said.. just wanting to cruise around.. but to have a project with my kids. Something we all can mess about and have fun. My daughter.. 26 year old.. has never shown interest in boats till she watched YouTube videos on the cocktail racers.. said...)) .. I'd do that... And she's a lightweight girly girl.. I could chase her around in the mini most.. I think we'd all have fun..

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