Winter Weather Coming!

Posted by Kurt Maurer on Sep 19, 2005

Ah, all you yankees are gonna be shiverin' yer butts off soon, the water will freeze over, and the snow will drive almost all meaningful activities indoors for the duration. Too bad, we here on the Sunny Gulf Coast will be paddlin' all the while!!

IF there's anything LEFT of the Sunny Gulf Coast, that is...

As a result of Nuclear Bomb Kat, someone here said it makes winters up north look better all the time. And now, as we sit here in Texas lookin' down the barrel of the Rita six-shooter, I begin to agree. Imagine that.

Gee, this is fun. You glance around, and wonder how much of your life will still be extant seven days from now? But hey, it keeps the ol' ennui at bay!

Cheers! Kurt
