Re: John's Sharpie

Posted by Mark Camp on Jul 11, 2005

I thought about someday adding a third mast step abaft the aft cockpit for an optional single sail rig, a staysail. With roller reefing maybe. Don't know if it would work, but something to think about.

A single, roller-reefed, boomless, self-tacking sail seemed like the ultimate in single-handing laziness, but it does require consideration of changing COE if you use it for reefing as well as furling.

Maybe it don't matter. Or if it does,

1. maybe the stays'l could be set running, some sort of fancy ropes and pulleys to haul the tack point aft when reefing. Or,

2. maybe you simply set a small storm trysail on the mast when reefing, to counterbalance the staysail. (There goes the single sail idea.)

Anyway, got a daggerboard trunk to build, so enough daydreams about sails and sailing.

In Response to: Re: John's Sharpie by Petewp on Jul 9, 2005
