First To Wimp Out

Posted by Mac on Dec 27, 2004

CJ and Robert N.,

OK. I'll be the first to admit how utterly stupid my Boxing Day paddle pact was. In Montreal, it's been sub-artic for the better part of a week - too cold to even snow much.

The only way I could possibly get to open water would be to drive out beyond large villages of ice fishing shacks and thereby attract an audience of well-lubricated, sno-mobiling troglodytes who don't need my help to fall thru the ice, and would swamp me in my inevitable heroic rescue attempts.

So, you see, I've called it off for the good of mankind - NOT because I'm a big, fat chicken!

CJ, how did your plans go? And Robert? - I'm afraid to ask.

P.S. On a much more serious note: believe it or not, the coastal folk up here in Quebec's Gaspe Penninsula - which gets major tidal action anyway - have been warned to expect effects from the Sumantra quake (what a tragedy!). How about our CLC Forum paddlers from around the world? I'll bet everyone's going to see, or has seen, some impact.
