DAMN Snow? Why, Jay!!

Posted by Kurt Maurer on Dec 25, 2004

Sorry, Jay... looks like you weren't a GOOD BOY this year! And say, next time maybe invite Charlie and I over for the year-long debaucheries...? Sounds like a bargain to me, all in all.

The photo of snow on the bananas was great! Lemme tell y'all something: I got the world's tastiest tangerines growing in my yard, and you ought to taste 'em when they're naturally refrigerated! OH LORDY!!! Yumyumyumyumyum. And ice-cold water right out of the tap? Man, that's living!!

Still, I want my 80-degree saltwater back... It's COLD here!!!

Ho, ho, ho, Kurt

In Response to: Enough with the damn snow by Jay E Morris on Dec 25, 2004


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