Re: MillCreek 13vs15 4 ki

Posted by Kurt Maurer on Apr 26, 2004

Interesting question... I am eager to see what the more knowledgable among us has to say about this.

I can tell you from experience that the MC13 is a sweet design that will keep the most inept paddler safe no matter the dumbsh*t gets hisself into. It is stable to the point of legendary (I can stand up in it), handles a whole bunch better than you would EVER think (particularly *out* of the water), and is unimpeachably robust (Rogue River whitewater boulder-tested!!!).

But I do not think that either it, or its big brother the MC15, is a kid's boat. If it were me, I would worry that they would be so much more than the scrawny whelp could handle that he would soon grow altogether weary of kayaks, paddling, lakes, daddy, etc., etc.

I would want to get a design that would handle lightly for the little knucklehead, so that he could actually enjoy trying to keep up with the, ahem, *big kids*, and also look cool enough to make him feel like a hot dog. Unless, of course, it was a case of ME growing weary of HIM...

See for the Rising Star model - and read the sales propaganda - to get an idea of what I'm talking about. Perception also makes the Umiak (I think) for kids. CLC probably ought to give a kid's kayak model some thought, just to round out their wholesome image if nothing else. Maybe they could call it the Shrimp 12...

Cheers, Kurt

In Response to: MillCreek 13vs15 4 kids by Mike Morse on Apr 26, 2004
