Old Mill Creek 13

I have been given an old Mill Creek 13 kit partially constructed.  The boat is about 15 years old (@2005).  What I need is a copy of the construction manual for the "old" model.  I would like to order epoxy, cloth and finish materials but have no idea of amounts or procedures.  Any way to get the manual?  

PS: I recently constructed a Shearwater Hybrid.


Gerry S.

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RE: Old Mill Creek 13

Hi Gerry, 

on the CLC website is the builders-from-plans material list for the Mill Creek 13.


let me also welcome you to 'rescue buiidling'.  rescue building is a term i came up with for when you take over a CLC project from somebeody else.   it can range from a un-opened box to a project where substantial assembly has already occurred.  my 'rescues' include a shearwater 17, an annapolis wherry, a petrel strip and two night heron hybrids....so while i don't know the mill creek, i have a lot of building experience and some ideas for you.

first, which is what you are doing, is inventory what you should have to build it vs what you need.   the link above should help with that.  and two, as you are doing, get a manual.  while you are waiting on the forum, you can also see if CLC will sell you one for a small charge.  you are completing an already sold kit so from a licensing perspective, you are good (e.g., somebody already paid the license fee to build one boat....you are just completing it.)   CLC, i have found in the past is helpful to rescure builders even though i have not ever had to replace a manual before.

your experience building a shearwater is great and the mill creek is similar in a lot of repsects ....so you have some great experience under your belt.  the big difference, however, is the mill creek has a 'tortured' deck and sheerclamps.....so that will be new....and it's probably the most important difference you will have to learn about.    but other than that....everything is pretty similar from a construction perspective.

my only other advice is on stuff where somebody else has started, is to carefully assess their work and adress it accordingly.   in some cases, it's all good and you can just move forward, in some cases, they may have got something wrong that needs to be addressed before moving forward.  my shearwater rescue, for example...had all the panels epoxied up misaligned....and i had to take it apart first....and then re-assemble it correctly before i was able to continue the project.

again, best of luck with your project.  plenty of help on the forum.


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