Onlay question

Posted by Jim L on Feb 13, 2007

In a recent posting from George K of his beautiful Sea Island Sport, I was inspired by his maple leaf onlays. With the kind instructions he provided (as well as the encouragement) I am attempting an onlay on the Shearwater Hybrid I am building for my neice, Lauren. I enlarged a Gothic "L" (from Microsoft Word) to about 6" high to use as a pattern. I plan to place the onlay just in front of the cockpit as a monogram. I bought a variety of veneers from B&B Rare Woods (great service by the way) and am now "practicing" on scrap wood. My question is, how do I glue it down? I tried Titebond yellow glue, but the edges curl up like a potato chip. I then tried a spray-on adhesive called "Duro". The onlay glued down pretty well, but the overspray stays gummy (at least over night). Attempts to clean the gum off with mineral spirits was largely unsuccessful.

Is epoxy the answer? If so, how do you get it to lay flat (flat enough to overcome the ripples in the veneer) on the curved deck surface.

A final question ... why is everything always harder than you think it will be?

Jim L
