Re: Mill Creek or Sea Isl

Posted by Alan Speakman on Nov 19, 2006

Hi Phil,

The wife and I discussed this, (she has a MC13), and we both vote for the MC16.5... Why?

* The MC 16.5 is probably much more stable than the SIS. Stability is a good thing when it comes to flyfishing.

* The SIS doesn't offer the cockpit space of either the MC 13 or the 15, let alone the 16.5. I used to fly fish, and I'd want some real cockpit space for fly boxes, line, net, etc.

* Sooner or later, you're going to want to take someone with you fishing.

* If the MC 16.5 tracks like the MS 13, she tracks very well.

* If wind is a consideration, I'd simply opt for a small kayak anchor and be done with it.

* If you decide that you want power, the 16.5 can be fitted with an electric trolling motor.

Just some ideas...


In Response to: Mill Creek or Sea Island? by phil on Nov 18, 2006


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