Other Site/Other Book

Posted by Lloyd on Dec 4, 2004

I've been following Gullimot site theads too and have seen you there a number of times.

One can really fast forward by going through the archives.

The book I mention "Kayaks You Can Build" (published this year) is by Ted Moores and he owns the Bear Mountain Boat Shop in Peterborough, Ontario. I haven't see another book as detailed in instruction or as attractive. I leaf through it each evening as I prepare for the next project.

I think Bear Mountain is more into canoes than kayaks and that makes sense, considering where they are. In this book he builds a CLC, Pygmy and one of his boats and is very even handed.

I hope that he sells many books because it is a masterpiece.

In Response to: Re: A good grade by Robert N Pruden on Dec 4, 2004
