2021 Big Little Boat Festival Wrap Up: Part 1
Skip to Part 2 and race results
Skip to Part 3 and boatbuilding awards
The weather gods smiled on the debut of the Big Little Boat Festival on Saturday, May 22, 2021.
Last year, the 21-year-old "OkoumeFest" changed its name to "Big Little Boat Festival." An ambitious new program was planned, with a new venue and new events..and COVID nixxed that one!
Pandemic conditions in the U.S. have improved a great deal, but the Big Little Boat Festival planning over the winter anticipated ongoing COVID safety precautions. We settled on a single day of organized racing and hanging out. With sunny skies and enough breeze for sailing, it was a wonderful day for us and about 200 of our friends. There was camping, good food, and great company. The new venue is Camp Wabanna on the Rhode River, south of Annapolis. The beach at Camp Wabanna is perfect for large numbers of kayaks and smallcraft.
Here's a first taste of the event in photos. Next week we'll have the full recap online!
The occasional wake from a passing powerboat even allowed for some surfing.