Just how far down do I sand?

I'm sanding the top edge of the hull in prep for the deck glassing (want to avoid burying runs/bumps/etc. under yet another layer of glass/epoxy).  I noticed to get rid of all the ripples (read "runs") I had to sand to the point that the glass pattern became visible.  Is this too deep?  I was thinking I could sand everything to this level (nice and level) and then apply a couple more very thin coats of epoxy to build the finish back up.

Any suggestions?  I don't want to go too deep into the glass but do want to get a smooth finish for varnish/poly.

Thanks in advance,


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RE: Just how far down do I sand?

It's okay to see the glass weave. If it gets fuzzy, you've gone too far and cut into the cloth. Not a big problem, though. Just don't go further. -Wes

RE: Just how far down do I sand?

Wes, thanks.  I was just looking at it and there's no fuzz, just the weave pattern.  I think I may roll a thin coat on to be safe... after it's all sanded down.

Right now I'm just trying to get the rounded edge on the deck and scuff up the hull to accept a new layer of glass.  Lovin' how quickly this is going!

Appreciate the advice, as always,


RE: Just how far down do I sand?


That's exactly what you're supposed to do - sand until just before you get into the glass, build it back up and keep sanding until it's smooth or you've decided that paddling is more fun than sanding. See the shop tip Filling the Weave.



RE: Just how far down do I sand?


I found that the combination of a block plane and 80 grit on the ROS worked really well for rounding the deck off.  Good luck on the glassing... I found that I didn't bring down the hull epoxy enough before doing it, and am now having to sand a whole bunch to even out the deck/hull glass overlap.  Sounds like you're doing the right thing by bringing it down beforehand.  

 Good luck,


RE: Just how far down do I sand?

Laszlo, thanks... seen that link before and that confirms my plan.  Should be fine after I glass the deck.

Chris, thanks for commenting.  I'm looking at several places where there are ridges (i.e., epoxy runs) along the sides that only show up after sanding a bit.  I plan to take them down to a smooth surface, weave showing and all, glass the deck and then fill the weave (top and bottom) again to build the epoxy back up.  Then a final sanding should leave me with plenty of glass on the hull/deck, and a smooth epoxy surface to varnish!

Appreciate everyone's feedback; I love this site - wouldn't have been able to build this boat without it!


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