Plastic underlayment for glueing panels

Just received delivery of my Shearwater 17 kit and slowly pulling together all the additional supplies I need to begin building. One thing I'm not quite sure of is the plastic underlayment I see in the assembly videos that one uses when glueing joints together (so the joint doesn't bind to your workbench).  Can anyone recommend the appropriate plastic sheeting to use for this?  This is epoxy I'm going to be working with.  Most epoxy I've ever used will stick to plastic just as well as anything else. Is the epoxy contained in my kit such that I don't need to worry about this?

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RE: Plastic underlayment for glueing panels

for ensuring i don't glue anything to the workbench or other surface, i just use saran wrap.   wax paper also works..but i find saran wrap is more reliable.  i buy this stuff from the grocery store....nothing special.   to be doubly sure i don't accidently glue something that i did not want to, i will sometimes double up my saran wrap (like doubling up a nitrile glove).

underneath my work area i use inexpensive platic tarps so that any epoxy i spill won't end up on my workshop floor.

epoxy can and will stick to plastic if the plastic surface is abraided or anything less than glass smooth.

hope this helps.



RE: Plastic underlayment for glueing panels

   I have used roll plastic sheeting to cover my bench when using epoxy for many years. The epoxy does not stick signifcantly to the plastic. I keep small pieces to use when doing a small epoxy job. Uncured epoxy will stay sticky on the plastic so I mix in a separate area with it's own sheet. You will find that any epoxy that leaks out of joints may leave a thin layer on the parts being glued but this cleans pretty well with a cabinet scraper.


RE: Plastic underlayment for glueing panels

   Thanks for the advice!

RE: Plastic underlayment for glueing panels

   Buy cheap plastic drop cloths. 10x10 I can cover my bench 3x. Epoxy will not stick to it. Wax paper for smaller messy jobs

RE: Plastic underlayment for glueing panels

   I use Reynolds non-stick foil.  NOTHING sticks to the stuff, but be sure to use the "dull" side, which has the coating on it. If you're stacking things (like hull bottoms or sides) then put two opposing pieces between them.  

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