Eastport Nesting Pram Skid Installation

Appologies if this has been resolved elsewhere on the forum... 

The manual is relatively lacking regarding detail on skid installation.

The Skids included in my nesting pram kit are 1/2"x3/4" rectangular section - what orientation should the skid be installed onto the boat? My assumption is to have the 3/4" face lying against the bottom of the boat, which would allow the easiest installation. 





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RE: Eastport Nesting Pram Skid Installation

Yes, the wider face is epoxied to the bottom, which also makes it easier to bend.  I distinctly remember that although I built the boat entirely by myself, I needed a buddy to help me bend the skids into place while I drew them up with some silicon bronze screws because I made them a bit thicker.  


RE: Eastport Nesting Pram Skid Installation


I managed to get them sorted. Now I just have to finish the rest of the boat before all the water freezes over!

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