Resin finish

My 3rd resin coat had some drips in it, so I used an orbital sander to sand it back level. Now there are some fairly obvious sanding marks.

How perfect does my sanding have to be, or does the varnish hide scratches well? i.e. how much does the varnish coats hide?

The same goes for a spot where I ended up sanding to the fibreglass cloth. Does the varnish hide this, or should I do another resin coat over that section?



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RE: Resin finish

If you can afford the extra weight of more resin it'll pay off in the resulting finish once you add varnish. 95% of the task of a job well done is in the preparation.

Sanding scratches - unless you can go back with finer grits until you're happy with how the surface looks wetted out with water - will telegraph through varnish unless you're willing to put a lot of coats of varnsh on, with sanding in between. If another layer or two of epoxy gets you a nicer finish than you have now, varnish will be icing on the cake. 

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