Things that worked for me on my ENP build

In the unlikely event that no one has tried and reported on these adaptations before, here are a couple of things that worked well for me in my ENP build and may apply to other models as well.

First, I was nervous about the potential messiness and fragility of permanently mounting the carriage bolts that attach the hull sections together with nothing more than thickened epoxy under the heads to stabilize a 5/16” bolt in a 3/8” hole.  While I’m sure hundreds, perhaps thousands of ENP’s have been successfully built that way, I just felt more comfortable making the potentially messy job easier and adding a bit of security.  So, after DFD’ing the holes I drilled and tapped 5/16’ threads in the forward bulkhead so I could screw the bolt into about 5/8” of hardened epoxy down to the last inch or so, then used a syringe to inject thickened epoxy into just the counterbore before screwing the rest of the way.  Those bolts are now bedded in a full ¾” of hardened epoxy, and I didn’t have to worry about any mess or wobbling at all.

Second, since I was working alone, I looked for an easier way of installing the rails than trying to align and clamp two rails at a time to each side.  The idea of two springy, epoxy-covered 8’ long pieces of mahogany flopping around wildly while I tried to bend and twist them in three directions at once while simultaneously aligning and clamping them….you get the picture.  So I dry fitted and clamped the inner rail on each side, then screwed them in three places from the inside of the hull.  I located those 1/8” holes where they wouldn’t be seen in the finished boat, first at the bow behind the forward quarter knee and then working aft to the two locations where the holes would eventually be hidden by the oarlock sockets.  One could also add a hole behind the aft quarter knee, but I found that unnecessary.   I also lined up and drilled through only the front hole into the outer rail just to provide an eventual starting point to anchor it for final installation.  From there it was fairly simple to start at the bow and glue, screw, and clamp the inner rails in place exactly where I wanted them and let them set up overnight.  The next day I removed the screws and clamps, then glued the outer rails, using slightly longer screws by fastening first at the bow through the previously drilled hole, then working my way aft with clamps and screws through the already existing holes, extending the screws part way into the outer rail as I went.  That approach worked quite well, the only caveat being that one needs to check the screws occasionally while the epoxy cures to make sure they don’t end up glued into the boat.

I hope there’s something here that others can use. 

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RE: Things that worked for me on my ENP build

Thanks for taking the time to write that up.  I'm building a Passagemaker by myself and I may just have to try this in a few days when I'm at that stage.

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