Photo posting test

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RE: Photo posting test

Well I don't know what happened there! Trying to see if I can post a pic from Dropbox



RE: Photo posting test


Unfortunately, when your photo link is followed it returns an error "Please sign in or register to access this page."

You need to be able to use a URL that doesn't require authentication.



RE: Photo posting test

How does one embed an image directly in the message? Not a link. I'm trying this:

  1. Click on the image icon in the toolbar.
  2. Image Info tab > URL field > paste the URL to
  3. The preview populates with Lorem Epsom. 
  4. Click OK.
  5. A broken img icon is inserted in the message.

Can anyone please give me a clue?


RE: Photo posting test

Mike when I follow the link you posted I get a dropbox login request, so I presume you have not given the permissions to your photo so that it's in the public domain. I have done with imgur, above, as far as I know.

RE: Photo posting test

   1. Upload your photo to

2. Copy Direct link for layouts

3. Click on Image icon on the post page

4. Paste in the URL

5. Click in the widrh box and enter an appropriate number (350)

Your done!

RE: Photo posting test

Ok try this   

RE: Photo posting test


That link works! You should be able to use it.



RE: Photo posting test

That won't work, either. It only brings up a lo-res thumbnail if you paste it into a CLC image dialog. 

The problem is that dropbox generates the webpage via javascript, so even using a link that ends in .jpg doesn't produce a direct link to the image. Instead, it creates an image viewer webpage which doesn't play nice with anything that wants only a direct link.

You need to go to the page, right-click on the image and copy the image location. Even so, on some systems the picture may not show up until it's viewed directly and thus put into the browser's image cache.

The web developers are getting too tricky.


RE: Photo posting test

Thanks. I was missing two things:

  • The width parameter is obligatory (thanks Birch) and triggers the preview render.
  • imgur provides a link of the form for the sake of brevity, but since there's no file file extension, the forum software doesn't know what to do with it. So I got the img URL as suggested by Laszlo.

"The hedgehog":

RE: Photo posting test


RE: Photo posting test

hat's the 2nd post I made that did not save...? Not sure what I am doing wrong, lets see if this works. I am trying the Tinypic suggestion.

The Tinypic site does seem to work, but it too has issues. Or maybe its just me that has issues. Tinypic seems to rotate everything to a horizontal framing. It does not seem to have a rotate feature. There has to be a better way.


RE: Photo posting test

Here's my revised recipe Mike:

  1. Upload your image to somewhere like tinypic or imgur. Remember to make it public.
  2. Right click on the img > copy image address. Test the image address (URL) preferably in a different browser.
  3. In this forum, click on the image icon in the toolbar.
  4. Image Info tab > URL field > paste the URL you copied in step 2. It should look something like
  5. Type a number around 300 in the width field. Now check your image. It should look like you want, otherwise it won't post properly. Ignore the Lorem ipsom stuff and click OK.

Hope this helps, John

PS: I made my album public in imgur and it seems to have attracted quite a view views, along with comments like "You're gonna need to start over, it doesn't look anything like Ellen Degeneres". and "You are gonna need a bigger boat." (Jaws meme).

RE: Photo posting test

Nobody's mentioned that handy link right on the front page of the list of posts. It's called Click here for help on including photos in your forum posts.

Just saying :-)



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