Cockpit coaming - wood duck 10


The manual seems to recommend coating all parts (spacers and coaming) with glue and clamping all the pieces to the deck at once.  Given that the spacers are cut in half, getting all of these sandwiched pieces to line up at once feels cumbersone and difficult.

Would it be better to glue each layer to the deck separately letting it dry before adding the next piece of the sandwich?


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RE: Cockpit coaming - wood duck 10

For my WD12 I attached my coaming in sequential sessions, not all at once.

RE: Cockpit coaming - wood duck 10

For my 12 not only did I do it sequentially like Ralph, I also put a layer of plastic between the deck & bottom spacers. Once the layers cured, I was able to lift off the entire coaming assembly and sand underneath the rim.


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