Constructing the SHEARWATER 17 hybrid...

I’m planning to build a hybrid Shearwater 17, with S&G hull and strip deck.  


I have previously built a full S&G Shearwater, so have no qualms about that part of the process, BUT – would it be OK to use 3mm marine ply (Gaboon/ Oukume) on the sides of the hull, and 3.6mm (Pacific Maple) for the bottom.  


I have the 3.6mm left over from an earlier build and it seems a pity to waste it.   The 3mm Gaboon/ Oukume is somewhat lighter in weight but appears a little less stiff than the 3.6mm ply.   Irrespective, the as-specified ‘glass/ epoxy layer(s) will be applied to the hull bottom and sides as per plans.


AND – any special tips or recommendations from others on construction of this fine-looking hybrid would be very much appreciated…


Lawrence Watson

Brisbane, Australia

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