Kaholo 14 completed and launched

Thank you, everyone, who contributed directly and indirectly to this project via the builder forum. Your advice and input was invaluable. Here's a look at the fruits of the labor. I am thrilled with the results and look forward to every minute of good times this board is destined to bring. 

Cheers and happy paddling!


bow to stern kaholo 14

kaholo 14

kaholo 14 completed bow

kaholo 14 hull, single fin

kaholo 14 bow launch

kaholo 14 launch

kaholo bow bay sunset

4 replies:

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RE: Kaholo 14 completed and launched

Very nice!   Like the Black stripping detail...and the fin!   Did you could up with that fin idea on your own?

RE: Kaholo 14 completed and launched


Thanks for the note on the build. After going back and forth on whether or not to go with the fixed twin fin set up or fashion a single fin box, I decided to go the root of a single fin box. I now have a wie range of possibilities depending on conditions and performance desires. The extra time and fabrication was well worth it for me and the added weight wasn't an issue. I haven't gotten an extact weight on the board sans fin but think it's about 34 pounds. I'll have an exact weight in a few days after I put it on a scale.

I asked around on the forum for advice and designs to accomplish what I wanted and came up with something that not only afforded me a soild fin box frame but also gave me added reenforcement to put in a leash plug on the deck. I will post some photos of what I put together in a few moments.


RE: Kaholo 14 completed and launched

Yes, please post build photos/sources for fin box.  Thanks!

RE: Kaholo 14 completed and launched

Fin box and fins can be found here


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