Hatch Fitting

Working with a strip hybrid wood duck 12.  After cutting out the hatch and setting it aside for about a month, the hatch is now flat, but the hull is not.

Does anyone have any suggestions for either re-establishing a curve in the hatch or maybe flattening the inside supports to accept the flat hatch?  Let me know if you have had this problem, your solution or did you just say "I am way to close the end to worry about this!"

I have about a pencil width gap between the side of the hatch bottom and the opening top when the other side is plum.

Thanks much, smp

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RE: Hatch Fitting

Late response but in case you have not already solved the problem,  try building a form that is slightly more curved than you need the hatch cover to be (allow for some spring back).  Then heat the hatch to softent he epoxy a bit and clamp it down to he form.  Once cool, clamp and glue to the hatch supports.  

You may even be able to skip the first step and get a good enough bend just clamping to the curved hatch supports.


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