Next step for hatches?

Once again I am at a confusing part of my Night Heron build, and I need some help/guidance for the next steps:

Here's what I've done: I've cut the hatches out, waxed the edges, waxed the underside, cut fiberglass to length for six layers around each seam!

in Nick's "The Strip Built Sea Kayak" on page 120 "Start by painting a gel coat of resin all the way around the seam. Now, lay 3-inch-wide strips of glass on the inside of the deck, straddling the seam. Resin it down. Use about six layers of 6-ounce cloth all around. Let the resin cure but don't wait too long, because you don't yet want the epoxy to be super hard, which it will be after 6 to 24 hours. Remove the tape sealing the outside seam." 

I understand the gel coat in the seam to close the gap created by the saw...but the next part is confusing...

My questions are:

Do I put down one layer of glass at a time along the edge, and wait how long before putting down the next layer (repeat for 5 layers)?

Do I put down one layer of glass on the edge, and continue putting down the remaining 5 layers without waiting?


After I put down all six layers of glass, is the wait time for "cure but don't wait too long" the start time of the first layer or the last layer?

I hope that someone will be able to help guide me through this step, or at least point me in the right direction to find an answer to my questions!

Thanks for all your help so far,




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