LMAO Camper....

Posted by Petewp on Jan 28, 2008

Wow thanks for the chuckle. Yeah - calling it a proa isnt accurate - Mabuli is and true to form it does its little pirohettes for tacks. I wasnt going there - certainly not with e rockerless keel to boot.

As far as the southsea island populations coming after me I'd still them with one profound statement:


Lo - and then I will be given free passage.

Hey thanks for the chuckle - yeah I think ill end up going it alone on the outrigger perhaps. The mods are simple and utterly reversible. Renoir - you know - I love a lot of the french impressionists - even some of the "off broadway" lower profile impressionists. I never appreciated Renoirs dainty, fuzzy, blither blather.


In Response to: Re: In the mind of Harris by Camper on Jan 27, 2008


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