De-stepping in stages

Posted by Dave Houser on Nov 2, 2005

The trick to no steps on the coaming is to glue the spacers together with plastic steet or packing tape on the deck so the spacer stack can be removed. Then smooth the outside of the spacers. Then put the spacer stack back on the pastic covered deck and epoxy on the top lip piece. Then remoce the coaming and shape the outside of the coaming lip, if necessary, and then glass the underside of the lip and outside face of the stack with the coaming off the boat. Then glue the coaming on the deck and then smooth the inside face of the whole stack and glass the top and the inside face of the coaming.

It is much easier smoothing and glassing in stages than after the whole coaming is on the deck. See the last 4 pictures on my recess building collage.

In Response to: Second Try by Doug Judd on Nov 1, 2005


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