CLC building, round two

Posted by Petewp on Jun 19, 2005

The first Kayak I built was a West River 180 - from plans mind you. Not undoable, but a tall order as the exactness of those little "sliver panels" need to be drawn so so well. And mind you, Im an artist - but this still took some serious concentration to pull off. It was an exercise in exactness and in a personal environment that makes it seem semi-mircaculous that it was pulled off at all. But it was, and the first time in the water showed me what all the trouble was for.

A few years later [why did I wait so long??????]...

building the sailrig is a breeze. Oh Im totally cool about it and theres a pace about it thats fun swift and confident. Always careful, but not so production-like for the smallest details. Its cool and empowering to work with prior knowledge of all steps that need to be done - often with out looking it up!!

Nothing like building with second nature confidence.



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