Status Update

Posted by Frank on Jul 9, 2004

Well, I got back from California last Friday and began working in earnest on my boat again on Monday. This week so far I have glassed the hull and put on a second fill coat, built and installed a skeg box (with skeg backwards unfortunately), glassed the underside of the aft deck and installed it. I got some velum for my hull art, but it still shows so I'll have to find some rice paper somewhere. So far, no luck with that though. I tried JoeAnnes and another local art supply store with no luck. Haven't trid Michael's though. Anyone know of chains that definitely carry it?

Tonight I will be installing the foredeck (if I can find nails for me) and then this weekend will be the coaming. Probably finish the hatches after first launch which I am planning for next weekend.

I also started building my daughter's SOF from the Cunningham book. Anyone know if 8" spacing between ribs is sufficient for a light weight paddler in expected light conditions?

PS: pictures will be up soon on my website...such as it is.

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