Nano- Micro Bootlegger Color Schemes

Hello All,

I'm a long time wooden boat nut jumping into my first strip build. I'm using the CLC kit to build my nano bootlegger but can't decide on a color scheme. Nick's original all mahogany build is what caught my eye and I actually bought the tooling to rip my own strips but ultimately bought the whole kit from CLC. I love the simple elegance of the all mahogany hull and am afraid I'll ruin it by incorporating too many busy colors. Can anyone advise or post pics of your build to help me choose a color scheme?



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RE: Nano- Micro Bootlegger Color Schemes

   Here are my two strip builds.  Neither are CLC designs but both were build from CLC B&C strips:  The WRC comes in about three different colors, redish, brownish and lighter.  My approach is to sort into different colors before I decide on the color scheme.  Also not that the Yellow is a little heavier/harder, and the Walnut is a lot heavier/harder compared to WRC.  The deck of my race boat ended up being awefully heavy because of all the Walnut.



RE: Nano- Micro Bootlegger Color Schemes

   Very nice looking boats ya got there, Mark! That's good advice about keeping thecg low on the boat. I think I'll use mostly walnut for the bottom and around the waterline and save the lighter weight and toned woods for where they will be most visible.

It sure is intimidating trying to imgine how the strips will look on a curvy boat though.


Thanks for your help!



RE: Nano- Micro Bootlegger Color Schemes

here's a different approach using stain to bring a uniformity to otherwise different shades.

RE: Nano- Micro Bootlegger Color Schemes

 Lovely stuff!  My experience with stain is it doesn't like to penetrate evenly where there's glue or epoxy squeeze out. Your stain job looks flawless!  Nicely done!  Thanks!  

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