building space for a NE Dory

I am strongly thinking about getting a Dory, but I don't have a garage or a shop available. I was wondering how small of an area I can squeeze a build into without sacrificing to much workability.

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RE: building space for a NE Dory

   My shop is 12x24, usable space is probably 9x20 and I built a Dory no problem. I wouldn't want too much smaller. 

George K

RE: building space for a NE Dory

I have a garage that seems to have been obsolete once cars got bigger than the model T. The garage is a bit shy of 17', the Dory's actual nose to tail length is 17' and about 3 or 4 ". I put it in there diagonally so I can close the door. at that angel it takes up pretty much every piece of space other than a bit on each side on opposite ends. 


to work on it i have to usually roll it outside. to do this i made rolling workhorses on mover's dollies. with those I can all by myself move it back and forth in the garage to work on each side as needed or move it out altogether. No matter what your tight space is, i would recomend having it on wheels so you can move it about to work and maximize the limited space you have. I have found that you dont really need locking wheels, you dont put that much pressure on it laterally and if you do you can just drop  board down there to fix it. When you make the dollies/sawhorse make sure you build them with a wide enough base or they will fall over at the slightest whim. two mover's dollies under each sawhorse did it for me.  Bolted on.


my storage space is probably about 17' by 7'.  if I couldnt move it into the driveway I couldnt have done it.

RE: building space for a NE Dory

Hmm, interesting. @ George, I was contemplating renting a space about that size, but I didn't know if it was wide enough across the beam. @David That idea never crossed my mind, I like it. Thank you both.

RE: building space for a NE Dory

   Are you building a sail rig?  If so, you'll need room to build the sailboat sub assemblies and varnish the "sticks".  One builder on this forum, with a very narrow work area, built all those parts first, set them aside, then built the boat in the same space.   You'll also need room for a shelf for your tools.  Good luck!



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