Northeaster Dory Gunnel Height?

I will build a Northeaster Dory if the boat will acomodate my need to row in an upright fixed position maintaing the curvature of the lower back as when sitting in a chair with proper posture.To do this the center seat must  be  a minimum of 15" above the boat floor . Is there enough freeboard  and will raising the seat this high relative to the gunnel make the boat too unstable?No Kayaks or sliding seats for me-bummer..per doctors consultation.

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RE: Northeaster Dory Gunnel Height?

Ok, the NE dory rail height is 15 inches in mine, the seat height as built is 7 1/2 inches.  You would be sitting on top of the rails at 15 inches.  The boat is pretty stable so rowing might not be a problem from that position.  Maybe a bolt on platform with seat and backrest would work.  If you are also going to sail then you bight be able to brace it to the dagger board case.  Hope this helps.

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