epoxy won't stick

Posted by Charlie Jones on May 6, 2007

to plexiglass or other acrylics. You can buy 1/8 thick plexi at most lumber yards and home centers fairly cheaply. I use it to lay up thin panels when I have the need. Once cured, you can just pop the glass right off. If you were worried about it releasing, you can wax it and buff the wax well. That's what they do inside molds- several coats of wax, buffed well.

I can't really understand how you'll lay it up though. I'd think if you just laid in some thickened epoxy into the low spot, you could use a long board to fair it back. Then you might even lay on some new glass over that part, fair that in and repaint.

In Response to: Nonstick to epoxy? by Julian on May 6, 2007
