Has this ever happened

Posted by Karl on Sep 6, 2005

to you? A gorgeous Labor day, temperatures just touching 80�F, low humidity and not a cloud in the sky. We took the family, along with a houseguest from England (my eldest daughter's pen pal) and another one of their friends canoeing at the family summer house. One daughter and her two friends in one canoe, My other daughter in a kayak, and My wife and I in the other canoe. The lake itself was nearly flat, with only the faintest breezes blowing by. We cross the lake and paddle through the rock gardens near the appropriately named Blueberry Island, and then head through an open stretch towards Loon Island. The power boats are doing there thing out towards the center, a little distance away from us, where the water is deeper.

Caught up in the moment, I only just noticed the string of waves rolling towards us abeam of the canoe. I called out to my wife to let her know they were coming. She, of course (God love her), thought immediately of the kids in the other canoe, and suddenly shifted her weight around to look behind us to see if they were okay... at the precise moment when the first of the bigger waves caught us, and pitched us, ever so gracefully into the lake.

Oh well, At least I had the foresight to leave my wallet and camera at the house...

Oh yeah, the kids were fine, my daughter's friend was an experienced canoeist, and was paying attention. As I resurfaced and looked in their direction, they were laughing at us as they rode out the waves with the bow pointed into them.
