Submitting my stories

Posted by Robert N Pruden on Dec 8, 2004

I tried to submit my kayaking disaster story to Readers Digest and Sea Kayaker, they weren't interested. I am content to submit here and amuse those who are dedicated enough to love building as much as they love paddling. I suppose I could try again. Maybe I will, I'll think about it.

If your wife is from Alaska and she questions my ice launches I have to wonder. Let me spell this out succinctly: northern winds blow deathly chill into Edmonton (-30 with windchill factored in), river starts to freeze up rapidly, weather sucks, kayaker sees a little open water, knows it won't last, kayaker is eager, more eager than a beaver in a forest of young saplings, kayaker sees shore ice, kayaker sees open water, kayaker not thinking of using ice to chill drinks, kayaker will do anything to get in that one last paddle, kayaker considers options, kayaker gets in kayak on ice, shoves off and rams bow into swift moving ice pans, suddenly kayaker is whooping jopyfully at the awesome spectacle that very very few people are willing to experience because they can't get past the cold, kayaker knows that river is shallow so if he spills he just stands up and walks out of river, ice mangeable this slabs that push away easily if he falls in so no worries, just go play where polar bears and seals only glad to go.


In Response to: Well told tale:thank you by Lloyd on Dec 8, 2004
