Re: deck details

Posted by Dennis Rioux on Jun 11, 2004

Mea culpa, mea culpa. I know, and I have your page bookmarked but it is buried in my kayaks folder and, in the words of my 4 year old, there are sixty hundred million bookmarks in there and I can never find it. I have just internalized the "Pair O' Mill Creeks" title and get there faster via Google. Can I get back in your good graces by telling you that your web page was instrumental in inspiring me to try building one of these darn things last Fall? As I noted once before, I laughed, I cried, the denouement left me breathless.

Enough groveling, I have to go put the coaming on and then see whether or not my basement flood is subsiding.


In Response to: Re: deck details by Kurt Maurer on Jun 11, 2004


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